PIANO / Keyboard Classes

We prepare our students for keyboard as well as piano grade exams from Trinity School of London for grade 1-8. Reading music is an integral part of music learning and hence all the students are taught to read and write music in these classes. We teach all our students in-depth knowledge of scales, chords, pitch, octave and encourage them to ‘understand music’ rather than ‘by-heart’ technique of playing. Our courses can cater to beginners to advanced level students of all age groups
Best Piano Classes In Gurgaon
- 3-4 students in each class
- Training in music pieces as well as music arrangements
- Training in improvisation and chords playing
- Regular opportunities for music accompaniment
- Regular internal assessments


We prepare our students to appear for piano grade exams from Initial to Grade 8. The Initial exam acts as an introduction to the exam system for new performers. The preparation of grade exams helps to,
Build authentic skills
Develop the skills that are specific to the piano and authentic to the performer you want to be.
Explore diverse repertoire
Learners progress in their own musical style by choosing from lists of pieces carefully selected by our piano experts, including specially commissioned pieces by contemporary composers.
Benefit from industry expertise
Use the syllabus, supporting books and online resources, developed with prominent pianists and educators, to explore our exams and see where they can take you.
Download Syllabus: https://www.trinitycollege.com/qualifications/music/grade-exams/piano